Mission Impossible - ABRT Bugzilla Plugin on RHEL6

Posted by Alexander Todorov on Fri 13 July 2012

Some time ago Red Hat introduced Automatic Bug Reporting Tool to their Red Hat Enterprise Linux platform. This is a nice tool which lets users report bugs easily to Red Hat. However one of the plugins in the latest version doesn't seem usable at all.

First make sure you have libreport-plugin-bugzilla package installed. This is the plugin to report bugs directly to Bugzilla. It may not be installed by default because customers are supposed to report issues to Support first - this is why they pay anyway. If you are a tech savvy user though, you may want to skip Support and go straight to the developers.

To enable Bugzilla plugin:

  • Edit the file /etc/libreport/events.d/bugzilla_event.conf change the line
    EVENT=report_Bugzilla analyzer=libreport reporter-bugzilla -b


    EVENT=report_Bugzilla reporter-bugzilla -b
  • Make sure ABRT will collect meaningful backtrace. If debuginfo is missing it will not let you continue. Edit the file /etc/libreport/events.d/ccpp_event.conf. There should be something like this:

    EVENT=analyze_LocalGDB analyzer=CCpp
            abrt-action-analyze-core --core=coredump -o build_ids &&
            abrt-action-generate-backtrace &&
                bug_id=$(reporter-bugzilla -h `cat duphash`) &&
                if test -n "$bug_id"; then
                    abrt-bodhi -r -b $bug_id
  • Change it to look like this - i.e. add the missing /usr/libexec/ line:

    EVENT=analyze_LocalGDB analyzer=CCpp
            abrt-action-analyze-core --core=coredump -o build_ids &&
            /usr/libexec/abrt-action-install-debuginfo-to-abrt-cache --size_mb=4096 &&
            abrt-action-generate-backtrace &&
            abrt-action-analyze-backtrace &&
                bug_id=$(reporter-bugzilla -h `cat duphash`) &&
                if test -n "$bug_id"; then
                    abrt-bodhi -r -b $bug_id

Supposedly after everything is configured properly ABRT will install missing debuginfo packages, generate the backtrace and let you report it to Bugzilla. Because of bug 759443 this will not happen.

To work around the problem you can try to manually install the missing debuginfo packages. Go to your system profile in RHN and subscribe the system to all appropriate debuginfo channels. Then install the packages. In my case:

    # debuginfo-install firefox

And finally - bug 800754 which was already reported!

tags: QA, RHEL

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