Another Day At The Office

Posted by Alexander Todorov on Sun 09 June 2013

I just found Office Snapshots and they don't have any submissions from Bulgarian companies. No coincidence given the fact that many Bulgarian offices are years behind contemporary work space design and architecture.

Troopers atop a Skyscraper Image by egerbver

So I got an idea - start my own blog section on this topic. It would be interesting to see the spaces Bulgarian IT operates in. If the place is good - embrace it, if it sucks - despise it! What do you think?

Selection rules are as follow:

  • Needs to be local Bulgarian company or a local branch of a foreign company;
  • Can also be a start-up, an NGO or other organization;
  • Business is in the field of IT and technology; Co-working spaces are exception;

Let me know which companies you want to see featured here! Can you arrange a visit for me - let me know!

Comments !