Tip: Caching Large Objects for Celery and Amazon SQS

Posted by Alexander Todorov on Wed 19 June 2013

Some time ago a guy called Matt asked about passing large objects through their messaging queue. They were switching from RabbitMQ to Amazon SQS which has a limit of 64K total message size.

Recently I've made some changes in Difio which require passing larger objects as parameters to a Celery task. Since Difio is also using SQS I faced the same problem. Here is the solution using a cache back-end:

from celery.task import task
from django.core import cache as cache_module

def some_method():
    ... skip ...

    task_cache = cache_module.get_cache('taskq')
    task_cache.set(uuid, data, 3600)


    ... skip ...

def handle_data(uuid):
    task_cache = cache_module.get_cache('taskq')
    data = task_cache.get(uuid)

    if data is None:

    ... do stuff ...

Objects are persisted in a secondary cache back-end, not the default one, to avoid accidental destruction. uuid parameter is a string.

Although the objects passed are smaller than 64K I haven't seen any issues with this solution so far. Let me know if you are using something similar in your code and how it works for you.

tags: tips, Amazon, SQS, cloud

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