Moving /tmp from EBS to Instance Storage

Posted by Alexander Todorov on Mon 10 February 2014

I've seen a fair amount of stories about moving away from Amazon's EBS volumes to ephemeral instance storage. I've decided to give it a try starting with /tmp directory where Difio operates.

It should be noted that although instance storage may be available for some instance types it may not be attached by default. Use this command to check:

$ curl

In the above example there is no instance storage present.

You can attach one either when launching the EC2 instance or when creating a customized AMI (instance storage devices are pre-defined in the AMI). When creating an AMI you can attach more ephemeral devices but they will not available when instance is launched. The maximum number of available instance storage devices can be found in the docs. That is to say if you have an AMI which defines 2 ephemeral devices and launch a standard m1.small instance there will be only one ephemeral device present.

Also note that for M3 instances, you must specify instance store volumes in the block device mapping for the instance. When you launch an M3 instance, Amazon ignores any instance store volumes specified in the block device mapping for the AMI.

As far as I can see the AWS Console doesn't indicate if instance storage is attached or not. For instance with 1 ephemeral volume:

$ curl

$ curl

Ephemeral devices can be mounted in /media/ephemeralX/, but not all volumes. I've found that usually only ephemeral0 is mounted automatically.

$ curl

$ ls -l /media/
drwxr-xr-x 3 root root 4096 21 ное  2009 ephemeral0

For Difio I have an init.d script which executes when the system boots. To enable /tmp on ephemeral storage I just added the following snippet:

echo $"Mounting /tmp on ephemeral storage:"
for ef in `curl 2>/dev/null | grep ephemeral`; do
    disk=`curl$ef 2>/dev/null`
    echo $"Unmounting /dev/$disk"
    umount /dev/$disk

    echo $"mkfs /dev/$disk"
    mkfs.ext4 -q /dev/$disk

    echo $"Mounting /dev/$disk"
    mount -t ext4 /dev/$disk /tmp && chmod 1777 /tmp && success || failure

NB: success and failure are from /etc/rc.d/init.d/functions. If you are using LVM or RAID you need to reconstruct your block devices accordingly!

If everything goes right I should be able to reduce my AWS costs by saving on provisioned storage and I/O requests. I'll keep you posted on this after a month or two.

tags: cloud, Amazon

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