SMS PIN Verification with Twilio and Django

Posted by Alexander Todorov on Wed 19 March 2014

This is a quick example of SMS PIN verification using Twilio cloud services and Django which I did for a small site recently.

SMS PIN form

The page template contains the following HTML snippet

<input type="text" id="mobile_number" name="mobile_number" placeholder="111-111-1111" required>
<button class="btn" type="button" onClick="send_pin()"><i class="icon-share"></i> Get PIN</button>

and a JavaScript function utilizing jQuery:

function send_pin() {
                url: "{% url 'ajax_send_pin' %}",
                type: "POST",
                data: { mobile_number:  $("#mobile_number").val() },
            .done(function(data) {
                alert("PIN sent via SMS!");
            .fail(function(jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) {
                alert(errorThrown + ' : ' + jqXHR.responseText);

Then create the following views in Django:

def _get_pin(length=5):
    """ Return a numeric PIN with length digits """
    return random.sample(range(10**(length-1), 10**length), 1)[0]

def _verify_pin(mobile_number, pin):
    """ Verify a PIN is correct """
    return pin == cache.get(mobile_number)

def ajax_send_pin(request):
    """ Sends SMS PIN to the specified number """
    mobile_number = request.POST.get('mobile_number', "")
    if not mobile_number:
        return HttpResponse("No mobile number", mimetype='text/plain', status=403)

    pin = _get_pin()

    # store the PIN in the cache for later verification.
    cache.set(mobile_number, pin, 24*3600) # valid for 24 hrs

    client = TwilioRestClient(settings.TWILIO_ACCOUNT_SID, settings.TWILIO_AUTH_TOKEN)
    message = client.messages.create(
                        body="%s" % pin,
    return HttpResponse("Message %s sent" % message.sid, mimetype='text/plain', status=200)

def process_order(request):
    """ Process orders made via web form and verified by SMS PIN. """
    form = OrderForm(request.POST or None)

    if form.is_valid():
        pin = int(request.POST.get("pin", "0"))
        mobile_number = request.POST.get("mobile_number", "")

        if _verify_pin(mobile_number, pin):
            return redirect('transaction_complete')
            messages.error(request, "Invalid PIN!")
        return render(
                        'form': form

PINs are only numeric and are stored in the CACHE instead of the database which I think is simpler and less expensive in terms of I/O operations.

tags: Django, cloud, Twilio

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