When making assertions inside a within
block the assertion scope
is limited to the element selected by the within() function, although
it looks like you are asserting on the entire page!
scenario 'Pressing Escape closes autocomplete popup' do
within('#new-broadcast') do
find('#broadcast_field').set('Hello ')
start_typing_name('#broadcast_field', '@Bret')
# will fail below
expect(page).to have_selector('.ui-autocomplete')
send_keys('#broadcast_field', :escape)
expect(page).to have_no_selector('.ui-autocomplete')
The above code failed the first expect()
and it took me some time before
I figured it out. Capybara's test suite itself gives you the answer
it "should assert content in the given scope" do
@session.within(:css, "#for_foo") do
expect(@session).not_to have_content('First Name')
expect(@session).to have_content('First Name')
So know your frameworks and happy testing.
Comments !