Capybara's within() Altering expect(page) Scope

Posted by Alexander Todorov on Sun 24 April 2016

** When making assertions inside a within block the assertion scope is limited to the element selected by the within() function, although it looks like you are asserting on the entire page! **

scenario 'Pressing Escape closes autocomplete popup' do
  within('#new-broadcast') do
    find('#broadcast_field').set('Hello ')
      start_typing_name('#broadcast_field', '@Bret')
      # will fail below
      expect(page).to have_selector('.ui-autocomplete')
      send_keys('#broadcast_field', :escape)
  expect(page).to have_no_selector('.ui-autocomplete')

The above code failed the first expect() and it took me some time before I figured it out. Capybara's test suite itself gives you the answer

it "should assert content in the given scope" do
  @session.within(:css, "#for_foo") do
    expect(@session).not_to have_content('First Name')
  expect(@session).to have_content('First Name')

So know your frameworks and happy testing.

tags: QA, Ruby

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