Questers Beer'n'Code Day 2.0

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Posted by Alexander Todorov on Tue 30 August 2016

Last weekend I've visited Questers Beer'n'Code Day which was an open air mini-conference held at the terrace of their office. As to organization the only drawback was the summer sun which made it impossible to see anything on the screen. Most speakers were OK with that although they wanted to show some code examples.

I have recorded all talks and they are available in my TECH TALKS YouTube play list. You can also hear me asking some questions from behind the camera. All of the talks are in Bulgarian though, so sorry for my English speaking readers.

The afternoon started with Lidiya Georgieva and her talk about clean code and code smells. I find the topic particularly interesting but she didn't go into more details. She said she had used SonarCube but couldn't recommend any other tools, except for the standard lint style ones. I have been using for all Python based code I've been working on recently and I think it is great.

Another talk I found interesting was by my fellow QA Petar Sabev on reporting bugs. It was more of an entry level talk, but still very informative for both less experienced QAs and other technical folks so I definitely recommend it.

The last one, and most interesting, was Bogoi Bogdanov with Scaling Agile. Despite the name he covered some basics about Agile and what it actually is. Afterwards we've stayed and talked for a good 2 hours more. I definitely would like to hear more from him in the future.

A big thanks to Questers for hosting this event and allowing me to record it. Happy watching.

tags: events

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