Building cardboard robots

you have 5 minutes to surrender

Posted by Alexander Todorov on Sat 01 April 2017

Adi with robots

My previous blog post was about the Hello Ruby book, Coder Dojo and making computers out of paper - all cool things for a 5 year old girl. This week I have discovered the Build the Robot book (link to BG edition)!

The book includes colorful pictures and some interesting facts about robots. On the second page it talks about degrees of freedom, which I've studied at technical university during my Mechanics course. How's that for a children's book ?

The most important part of the book are cardboard models of 3 robots: walking one (orange), dancing one (light blue) and one waving its hands (black). The pieces are put together by friction and all of the 3 robots use spring loaded motors for some basic movements.

We did have to use some glue because one of the legs kept falling apart but overall the print/cut quality of the Bulgarian edition was very good.

From the 3 robots the walking one is the worst. I think it is too heavy for the motor to move around. The dancing robot works most of the time. The robot which waves his hands up and down works best!

Overall a very good book, fun to build and play with and very informative! I strongly recommend it if you have small children and want them to feel comfortable around technology!

Thanks for reading!

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