Producing coverage report for Haskell binaries

and integration with

Posted by Alexander Todorov on Tue 27 June 2017

Recently I've started testing a Haskell application and a question I find unanswered (or at least very poorly documented) is how to produce coverage reports for binaries ?

Understanding HPC & cabal

hpc is the Haskell code coverage tool. It produces the following files:

  • .mix - module index file, contains information about tick boxes - their type and location in the source code;
  • .tix - tick index file aka coverage report;
  • .pix - program index file, used only by hpc trans.

The invocation to hpc report needs to know where to find the .mix files in order to be able to translate the coverage information back to source and it needs to know the location (full path or relative from pwd) to the tix file we want to report.

cabal is the package management tool for Haskell. Among other thing it can be used to build your code, execute the test suite and produce the coverage report for you. cabal build will produce module information in dist/hpc/vanilla/mix and cabal test will store coverage information in dist/hpc/vanilla/tix!

A particular thing about Haskell is that you can only test code which can be imported, e.g. it is a library module. You can't test (via Hspec or Hunit) code which lives inside a file that produces a binary (e.g. Main.hs). However you can still execute these binaries (e.g. invoke them from the shell) and they will produce a coverage report in the current directory (e.g. main.tix).

Putting everything together

  1. Using cabal build and cabal test build the project and execute your unit tests. This will create the necessary .mix files (including ones for binaries) and .tix files coming from unit testing;
  2. Invoke your binaries passing appropriate data and examining the results (e.g. compare the output to a known value). A simple shell or Python script could do the job;
  3. Copy the binary.tix file under dist/hpc/vanilla/binary/binary.tix!

Produce coverage report with hpc:

hpc markup --hpcdir=dist/hpc/vanilla/mix/lib --hpcdir=dist/hpc/vanilla/mix/binary  dist/hpc/vanilla/tix/binary/binary.tix

Convert the coverage report to JSON and send it to

cabal install hpc-coveralls
~/.cabal/bin/hpc-coveralls --display-report tests binary


Check out the haskell-rpm repository for an example. See job #45 where there is now coverage for the inspect.hs, unrpm.hs and rpm2json.hs files, producing binary executables. Also notice that in RPM/Parse.hs the function parseRPMC is now covered, while it was not covered in the previous job #42!

  - ~/.cabal/bin/hlint .
  - cabal install --dependencies-only --enable-tests
  - cabal configure --enable-tests --enable-coverage --ghc-option=-DTEST
  - cabal build
  - cabal test --show-details=always

  # tests to produce coverage for binaries
  - wget
  - ./tests/ ./efivar-0.14-1.el7.x86_64.rpm

  # move .tix files in appropriate directories
  - mkdir ./dist/hpc/vanilla/tix/inspect/ ./dist/hpc/vanilla/tix/unrpm/ ./dist/hpc/vanilla/tix/rpm2json/
  - mv inspect.tix ./dist/hpc/vanilla/tix/inspect/
  - mv rpm2json.tix ./dist/hpc/vanilla/tix/rpm2json/
  - mv unrpm.tix ./dist/hpc/vanilla/tix/unrpm/

  - cabal install hpc-coveralls
  - ~/.cabal/bin/hpc-coveralls --display-report tests inspect rpm2json unrpm

Thanks for reading and happy testing!

tags: fedora.planet, QA

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