Code coverage from Nightmare.js tests

end-to-end testing of React application

Posted by Alexander Todorov on Sat 12 August 2017

In this article I'm going to walk you through the steps required to collect code coverage when running an end-to-end test suite against a React.js application.

The application under test looks like this

<!doctype html>
<html lang="en-us" class="layout-pf layout-pf-fixed">
    <!-- js dependencies skipped -->
    <div id="main"></div>
    <script src="./dist/main.js?0ca4cedf3884d3943762"></script>

It is served as an index.html file and a main.js file which intercepts all interactions from the user and sends requests to the backend API when needed.

There is an existing unit-test suite which loads the individual components and tests them in isolation. Apparently people do this!

There is also an end-to-end test suite which does the majority of the testing. It fires up a browser instance and interacts with the application. Everything runs inside Docker containers providing a full-blown production-like environment. They look like this

test('should switch to Edit Recipe page - recipe creation success', (done) => {
  const nightmare = new Nightmare();
    .wait(page => document.querySelector(page.dialogRootElement).style.display === 'block'
      , createRecipePage)
    .insert(createRecipePage.inputName, createRecipePage.varRecName)
    .insert(createRecipePage.inputDescription, createRecipePage.varRecDesc)
    .end() // remove this!
    .then((element) => {
      // here goes coverage collection helper
      done(); // remove this!
}, timeout);

The browser interaction is handled by Nightmare.js (sort of like Selenium) and the test runner is Jest.

Code instrumentation

The first thing we need is to instrument the application code to provide coverage statistics. This is done via babel-plugin-istanbul. Because unit-tests are executed a bit differently we want to enable conditional instrumentation. In reality for unit tests we use jest --coverage which enables istanbul on the fly and having the code already instrumented breaks this. So I have the following in webpack.config.js

if (process.argv.includes('--with-coverage')) {

and then build my application with node run build --with-coverage.

You can execute node run start --with-coverage, open the JavaScript console in your browser and inspect the window.__coverage__ variable. If this is defined then the application is instrumented correctly.

Fetching coverage information from within the tests

Remember that main.js from the beginning of this post? It lives inside index.html which means everything gets downloaded to the client side and executed there. When running the end-to-end test suite that is the browser instance which is controlled via Nightmare. You have to pass window.__coverage__ from the browser scope back to nodejs scope via nightmare.evaluate()! I opted to directly save the coverage data on the file system and make it available to coverage reporting tools later!

My coverage collecting snippet looks like this

  .evaluate(() => window.__coverage__) // this executes in browser scope
  .end() // terminate the Electron (browser) process
  .then((cov) => {
    // this executes in Node scope
    // handle the data passed back to us from browser scope
    const strCoverage = JSON.stringify(cov);
    const hash = require('crypto').createHmac('sha256', '')
    const fileName = `/tmp/coverage-${hash}.json`;
    require('fs').writeFileSync(fileName, strCoverage);

    done(); // the callback from the test
.catch(err => console.log(err));

Nightmare returns window.__coverage__ from browser scope back to nodejs scope and we save it under /tmp using a hash value of the coverage data as the file name.

Side note: I do have about 40% less coverage files than number of test cases. This means some test scenarios exercise the same code paths. Storing the individual coverage reports under a hashed file name makes this very easy to see!

Note that in my coverage handling code I also call .end() which will terminate the browser instance and also execute the done() callback which is being passed as parameter to the test above! This is important because it means we had to update the way tests were written. In particular the Nightmare method sequence doesn't have to call .end() and done() except in the coverage handling code. The coverage helper must be the last code executed inside the body of the last .then() method. This is usually after all assertions (expectations) have been met!

Now this coverage helper needs to be part of every single test case so I wanted it to be a one line function, easy to copy&paste! All my attempts to move this code inside a module have been futile. I can get the module loaded but it kept failing with Unhandled promise rejection (rejection id: 1): cov_23rlop1885 is not defined;`

At the end I've resorted to this simple hack


Shout-out to Krasimir Tsonev who joined me on a two days pairing session to figure this stuff out. Too bad we couldn't quite figure it out. If you do please send me a pull request!

Reporting the results

All of these coverage-*.json files are directly consumable by nyc - the coverage reporting tool that comes with the Istanbul suite! I mounted .nyc_output/ directly under /tmp inside my Docker container so I could

nyc report
nyc report --reporter=lcov | codecov

We can also modify the unit-test command to jest --coverage --coverageReporters json --coverageDirectory .nyc_output so it produces a coverage-final.json file for nyc. Use this if you want to combine the coverage reports from both test suites.

Because I'm using Travis CI the two test suites are executed independently and there is no easy way to share information between them. Instead I've switched from Coveralls to CodeCov which is smart enough to merge coverage submissions coming from multiple jobs on the same git commits. You can compare the commit submitting only unit-test results with the one submitting coverage from both test suites.

All of the above steps are put into practice in PR #136 if you want to check them out!

Thanks for reading and happy testing!

tags: fedora.planet, QA

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