Upstream rebuilds with Jenkins Job Builder

for downstream pull requests

Posted by Alexander Todorov on Fri 06 July 2018

I have been working on Weldr for some time now. It is a multi-component software with several layers built on top of each other as seen on the image below.

Weldr components

One of the risks that we face is introducing changes in downstream components which are going to break something up the stack! In this post I am going to show you how I have configured Jenkins to trigger dependent rebuilds and report all of the statuses back to the original GitHub PR. All of the code below is Jenkins Job Builder yaml.

bdcs is the first layer of our software stack. It provides command line utilities. codec-rpm is a library component that facilitates working with RPM packages (in Haskell). bdcs links to codec-rpm when it is compiled, bdcs uses some functions and data types from codec-rpm.

When a pull request is opened against codec-rpm and testing completes successfully I want to reuse that particular version of the codec-rpm library and rebuild/test bdcs with that.

YAML configuration

All jobs have the following structure: -trigger -> -provision -> -runtest -> -teardown. This means that Jenkins will start executing a new job when it gets triggered by an event in GitHub (commit to master branch or new pull request), then it will provision a slave VM in OpenStack, execute the test suite on the slave and destroy all of the resources at the end. This is repeated twice: for master branch and for pull requests! Here's how the -runtest jobs look:

- job-template:
    name: '{name}-provision'
    node: master
      - string:
          name: PROVIDER
        - git:
            url: '{repo_name}.git'
            refspec: ${{git_refspec}}
              - ${{git_branch}}
      - github-notifier
      - shell: |
            #!/bin/bash -ex
            # do the openstack provisioning here
        # NB: runtest_job is passed to us via the -trigger job
      - trigger-builds:
          - project: '${{runtest_job}}'
            block: true
            current-parameters: true
            condition: 'SUCCESS'
            fail-on-missing: true

- job-template:
    name: '{name}-master-runtest'
    node: cinch-slave
    project-type: freestyle
    description: 'Build master branch of {name}!'
        - git:
            url: '{repo_name}.git'
                - master
      - github-notifier
      - conditional-step:
          condition-kind: regex-match
          regex: "^.+$"
          label: '${{UPSTREAM_BUILD}}'
          on-evaluation-failure: dont-run
            - copyartifact:
                project: ${{UPSTREAM_BUILD}}
                which-build: specific-build
                build-number: ${{UPSTREAM_BUILD_NUMBER}}
                filter: ${{UPSTREAM_ARTIFACT}}
                flatten: true
      - shell: |
            #!/bin/bash -ex
            make ci
      - trigger-parameterized-builds:
          - project: '{name}-teardown'
            current-parameters: true
      - github-notifier

- job-template:
    name: '{name}-PR-runtest'
    node: cinch-slave
    description: 'Build PRs for {name}!'
        - git:
            url: '{repo_name}.git'
            refspec: +refs/pull/*:refs/remotes/origin/pr/*
                # builds the commit hash instead of a branch
                - ${{ghprbActualCommit}}
      - github-notifier
      - shell: |
            #!/bin/bash -ex
            make ci
      - conditional-step:
          condition-kind: current-status
          condition-worst: SUCCESS
          condition-best: SUCCESS
          on-evaluation-failure: dont-run
            - shell: |
                #!/bin/bash -ex
                make after_success
      - archive:
          artifacts: '{artifacts_path}'
          allow-empty: '{artifacts_empty}'
      - conditional-publisher:
          - condition-kind: '{execute_dependent_job}'
            on-evaluation-failure: dont-run
              - trigger-parameterized-builds:
                - project: '{dependent_job}'
                  current-parameters: true
                  predefined-parameters: |
                  condition: 'SUCCESS'
      - trigger-parameterized-builds:
          - project: '{name}-teardown'
            current-parameters: true
      - github-notifier

- job-group:
    name: '{name}-tests'
    - '{name}-provision'
    - '{name}-teardown'
    - '{name}-master-trigger'
    - '{name}-master-runtest'
    - '{name}-PR-trigger'
    - '{name}-PR-runtest'

- job:
    name: 'codec-rpm-rebuild-bdcs'
    node: master
    project-type: freestyle
    description: 'Rebuild bdcs after codec-rpm PR!'
        - git:
            url: ''
            refspec: +refs/pull/*:refs/remotes/origin/pr/*
                # builds the commit hash instead of a branch
                - ${ghprbActualCommit}
      - github-notifier
      - trigger-builds:
          - project: 'bdcs-master-trigger'
            block: true
            predefined-parameters: |
      - github-notifier

- project:
    name: codec-rpm
    dependent_job: '{name}-rebuild-bdcs'
    execute_dependent_job: always
    artifacts_path: 'dist/{name}-latest.tar.gz'
    artifacts_empty: false
      - '{name}-tests'

Publishing artifacts

make after_success is responsible for creating a tarball if codec-rpm test suite passed. This tarball gets uploaded as artifact into Jenkins and we can make use of it later!

Inside -master-runtest I have a conditional-step inside the builders section which will copy the artifacts from the previous build if they are present. Notice that I copy artifacts for a particular job number, which is the job for codec-rpm PR.

Making use of local artifacts is handled inside bdcs' make ci because it is per-project specific and because I'd like to reuse my YAML templates.

Reporting statuses to GitHub

For github-notifier to be able to report statuses back to the pull request the job needs to be configured with the git repository this pull request came from. This is done by specifying the same scm section for all jobs that are related and current-parameters: true to pass the revision information to the other jobs.

This also means that if I want to report status from codec-rpm-rebuild-bdcs then it needs to be configured for the codec-rpm repository (see yaml) but somehow it should trigger jobs for another repository!

When jobs are started via trigger-parameterized-builds their statuses are reported separately to GitHub. When they are started via trigger-builds there should be only one status reported.

Trigger chain for dependency rebuilds

With all of the above info we can now look at the codec-rpm-rebuild-bdcs job.

  • It is configured for the codec-rpm repository so it will report its status to the PR
  • It is conditionally started after codec-rpm-PR-runtest finishes successfully
  • It triggers bdcs-master-trigger which in turn will rebuild & retest the bdcs component. Additional parameters specify whether we're going to use locally built artifacts or attempt to download then from Hackage
  • It uses block: true so that the status of codec-rpm-rebuild-bdcs is dependent on the status of bdcs-master-runtest (everything in the job chain uses block: true because of this)

How this looks like in practice

I have opened codec-rpm #39 to validate my configuration. The chain of jobs that gets executed in Jenkins is:

--- console.log for bdcs-master-runtest ---
Started by upstream project "bdcs-jslave-1-provision" build number 267
originally caused by:
 Started by upstream project "bdcs-master-trigger" build number 133
 originally caused by:
  Started by upstream project "codec-rpm-rebuild-bdcs" build number 25
  originally caused by:
   Started by upstream project "codec-rpm-PR-runtest" build number 77
   originally caused by:
    Started by upstream project "codec-rpm-jslave-1-provision" build number 178
    originally caused by:
     Started by upstream project "codec-rpm-PR-trigger" build number 118
     originally caused by:
      GitHub pull request #39 of commit b00c923065e367afd5b7a7cc068b049bb1ed25e1, no merge conflicts.

Statuses are reported on GitHub as follows:

example of PR statuses

default is coming from the provisioning step and I think this is some sort of a bug or misconfiguration of the provisioning job. We don't really care about this.

On the picture you can see that codec-rpm-PR-runtest was successful but codec-rpm-rebuild-bdcs was not. The actual error when compiling bdcs is:

src/BDCS/Import/RPM.hs:110:24: error:
    * Couldn't match type `Entry' with `C8.ByteString'
      Expected type: conduit-
                       ([T.Text], [Maybe ObjectDigest])
        Actual type: conduit-
                       ([T.Text], [Maybe ObjectDigest])
    * In the second argument of `(.|)', namely
           ((,) <$> ZipConduit filenames <*> ZipConduit digests)'
      In the second argument of `($)', namely
               ((,) <$> ZipConduit filenames <*> ZipConduit digests)'
      In the second argument of `($)', namely
           $ src
                   ((,) <$> ZipConduit filenames <*> ZipConduit digests)'
110 |                     .| getZipConduit ((,) <$> ZipConduit filenames
    |                        ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^...

That is because PR #39 changes the return type of Codec.RPM.Conduit::payloadContentsC from Entry to C8.ByteString.

Thanks for reading and happy testing!

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tags: fedora.planet, QA

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