Tip: Setting Secure ENV variables on Red Hat OpenShift

Posted by Alexander Todorov on Mon 08 July 2013

OpenShift is still missing the client side tools to set environment variables without exposing the values in source code but there is a way to do it. Here is how.

First ssh into your application and navigate to the $OPENSHIFT_DATA_DIR. Create a file to define your environment.

$ rhc ssh -a difio
Password: ***

[difio-otb.rhcloud.com 51d32a854382ecf7a9000116]\> cd $OPENSHIFT_DATA_DIR
[difio-otb.rhcloud.com data]\> vi myenv.sh
[difio-otb.rhcloud.com data]\> cat myenv.sh
export MYENV="hello"

[difio-otb.rhcloud.com data]\> chmod a+x myenv.sh 
[difio-otb.rhcloud.com data]\> exit
Connection to difio-otb.rhcloud.com closed.

Now modify your code and git push to OpenShift. Then ssh into the app once again to verify that your configuration is still in place.

[atodorov@redbull difio]$ rhc ssh -a difio
Password: ***

[difio-otb.rhcloud.com 51d32a854382ecf7a9000116]\> cd $OPENSHIFT_DATA_DIR
[difio-otb.rhcloud.com data]\> ls -l
total 4
-rwxr-xr-x. 1 51d32a854382ecf7a9000116 51d32a854382ecf7a9000116 34  8 jul 14,33 myenv.sh
[difio-otb.rhcloud.com data]\>

Use the defined variables as you wish.

tags: tips, OpenShift, cloud

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