Introducing pylint-django 0.8.0

Posted by Alexander Todorov on Mon 22 January 2018

Since my previous post was about writing pylint plugins I figured I'd let you know that I've released pylint-django version 0.8.0 over the weekend. This release merges all pull requests which were pending till now so make sure to read the change log.

Starting with this release Colin Howe and myself are the new maintainers of this package. My immediate goal is to triage all of the open issue and figure out if they still reproduce. If yes try to come up with fixes for them or at least get the conversation going again.

My next goal is to integrate pylint-django with Kiwi TCMS and start resolving all the 4000+ errors and warnings that it produces.

You are welcome to contribute of course. I'm also interested in hosting a workshop on the topic of pylint plugins.

Thanks for reading and happy testing!

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